ADC - Asheville Design Center
ADC stands for Asheville Design Center
Here you will find, what does ADC stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Asheville Design Center? Asheville Design Center can be abbreviated as ADC What does ADC stand for? ADC stands for Asheville Design Center. What does Asheville Design Center mean?Asheville Design Center is an expansion of ADC
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Alternative definitions of ADC
- Agility Dog Of Canada
- Analog To Digital Converter
- Analog To Digital Converter
- Analog To Digital Converter
- Analog Digital Conversion
- Analog Digital Converter
- Analog To Digital Conversion
- Analogue To Digital Conversion
View 293 other definitions of ADC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- ARL Africa Retail Ltd
- ACF Auckland Communities Foundation
- ASTL Aver Software Technologies Ltd
- AAAPL Arete Academy of Arts Pty Ltd
- APHA Australian Passive House Association
- AHIHI AHI Hardware Inc
- AATL Aviation Asset Trading LLC
- AITSL Advance IT Solutions LLC
- ARNO Annunciation Radio of Northwest Ohio
- ACC Arc of Carroll Co.
- ADOCC A.D. Owens Construction Corp.
- AEL Amped Electric LLC
- ASUKL Amaya Sales UK Ltd
- ACLL Ace Cafe London Ltd
- AAA Access All Areas
- APN American Professional Nannies
- AWC Another Word Communications
- AML Art Marketing Ltd